28 September 2018

New stable version of Open in WhatsApp (V 1.14.1)

Hmm, so it seems the beta users are not very active users :( and so I can't rely on them to find bugs or problems (only 522 of 22084 registered beta users installed the new version since it was published two days ago). I know this app is more of a 'used once a month' type of app, but still updates do are important, and beta users are...well...beta users.

But I'm not going to let this discourage me, and so I'll use this to try something I never used before: the 'rollout release' feature of the Play Store.
This means that this new version is published as stable, but each user will receive it after a different amount of time (first only a 5% random users, then...I guess 10%? I need to check how this works, and if it is automatically or must be set manually). This means that, in some way, random users will be like testers and so I'll be able to check if the new version has problems or not before it goes live for all. This way if there is something I need to change, the majority of users won't even notice.

Here we go!

V 1.14.1
- Fixed 'No apps can open intent'
- Removed character invalid for older Android
- Restricted size of buttons
- Updated Russian translation

26 September 2018

New beta version of Open in WhatsApp (V 1.14.1 beta1)

This was going to be just a Russian translation update, but in the end I added some more changes. One about intents, again, that I hope doesn't break compatibility with some apps; and another about the size of buttons (I'm aware on some devices buttons occupy all the space and you can't enter any number, this is a first try to fix that). I would like to hear the opinions of the beta users.

According to Play store there are 22.000 beta testers of the app. First of all thank you! And second: if you encounter any problem don't hesitate to notify me (from play store, email or even here).
And if you still don't know if joining the beta, remember that it is just a way to test new versions with a smaller group first. In fact the stable versions are always beta versions, and they rarely contains bugs or crashes (I only remember one big crash, which was patched almost immediately) so it is not a big risk and you will help me a lot. Of course you can opt in/out anytime.

V 1.14.1
- Fixed 'No apps can open intent'
- Removed character invalid for older Android
- Restricted size of buttons
- Updated Russian translation

18 September 2018

New stable version of Open in WhatsApp (V 1.14)

Nothing seems broken, so stable time! Changelog is the same as the first beta.
Let's see if that FAQ button is a good idea...

V 1.14
- Added FAQ (Frequent Asked Questions) button
- Added back missing country codes (remember you can write it manually too)
- Minor changes (display version and more content descriptions)

17 September 2018

New beta version of Open in WhatsApp (V 1.14 beta2)

So it seems something were broken after all :/ All the Spanish locale was missing!
It should be fixed now, nothing extra added to this version (just a minor change in the newer Spanish strings, but they were missing so...).
Will I be able to push this to stable? I hope so

V 1.14 beta2
- Added back missing spanish translation

16 September 2018

New beta version of Open in WhatsApp (V 1.14 beta1)

Hello again!
This update is a minor one, but I hope that the inclusion of that little button will help people answer some common questions I've been receiving.
I also discovered that when I converted the list of country codes from the old xml to the new raw format I made an important mistake and all countries with duplicated country code were removed. I fixed them and now they are all back (including Chile, Canada and more!).
I hope nothing is broken so I can publish this to stable very soon.
Thanks for reading.

V 1.14
- Added FAQ button
- Added back missing country codes (remember you can write it manually too)
- Minor changes (display version and more content descriptions)

04 September 2018

Important notice about Average Data Usage Widget

In the new version (V 1.3) due to the inclusion of a new widget I changed internal code related to how the existing widget works.
I made a mistake and changed what shouldn't be changed [for experts: the widget provider] and due to this all existing widgets need to be updated manually (remove any previous widget and add a new one, no settings are lost).
Note: not updating and waiting for the next version won't solve the issue, you will need to update the widget anyway. Only widgets added on version 1.3 or up are valid now.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, at least now I'm aware of what not to do, so I hope not to make this mistake again in the future.

03 September 2018

New stable version of Open in WhatsApp (V 1.13.1)

V 1.13.1
- Reverted code to find compatible apps [Please confirm if it works again!]
- Clipboard button visible again (if available) when pressing the back button.
- Fixed no extracted number when sharing as text to the app.

Nothing exploded in the beta, so here it is.

New stable version of Average Data Usage Widget (1.3)

V 1.3
-Fixed negative numbers when 'first day' is set different to 1.
-[BETA] New widget: Rate. Shows the rate between the bars. Try to keep it slightly below 1.

New beta version of Open in WhatsApp (V 1.13.1 beta1)

V 1.13.1
- Reverted code to find compatible apps [Please confirm if it works again!]
- Clipboard button visible again (if available) when pressing the back button.
- Fixed no extracted number when sharing as text to the app.

If nothing explodes this will be on stable in a few hours

New beta version of Average Data Usage Widget (1.3 beta1)

Thanks to those who reported the bug and suggested the new layout! :D
White/Black themes are on my todo list, but that will take some time.

V 1.3
-Fixed negative numbers when 'first day' is set different to 1.
-[BETA] New widget: Rate. Shows the rate between the bars. Try to keep it slightly below 1.

01 September 2018

New stable version of Open in WhatsApp (V 1.13)

I have more planned changes, but I'll leave them for a future version. The beta was moved to stable:

V 1.13
- Press back button to clear inputs, press again to exit.
- Try to find more supported apps (long tap to show all unfiltered). Samsung "Dual Messenger" is not supported (couldn't find a way, still looking for solutions).
- Added content descriptions to support screen readers.
- Updated Russian translation.
- Minor changes and fixes.