
Do you want to donate something to me? Thanks!
Here are a list of ways you can do so, choose whatever it best fits you.

Donation app
Android App:
First one I tried, just an app on Play Store. Doesn't require the use of a browser but do requires the use of Google's Play Store.
Note: there is a donation version for the Click to Chat app too.
Donate with PayPal
The most known service. You can donate any amount.
Sponsor TrianguloY
Github sponsors:
One-time or monthly donations, includes benefits. (And no fees)
Become a Patron!
For monthly donations only, with some benefits.
Buy me a coffee (TrianguloY)
(~1€ each)
Buy me a coffee:
Allows you to specify one-time or monthly donations. Monthly donations contains minor benefits.
Support me on Ko-fi
(~3€ each)
Very easy to set up for me, but very restrictive for you regarding the amount (without becoming pro).
No money to donate? Don't worry! Sharing my work supports me too, and it's free! And how does it? you may wonder: easy, the more people know my work, the more opportunities for other donations.


  1. Can you add one option for your app. If i click Open button, its good if your app closed yourselfe and not stay work in background. You can add this option to settings and not default. 😉
    Thank you!

  2. How much messages daily can be forwarded with this

  3. Mi nombre es Alfredo Huerta Carrera, encargado del Desarrollo de Negocios de Huawei

    Debido a un estudio de calidad basado en descargas y usuarios activos, hemos detectado que Sistemas en Punto cuenta con las mejores aplicaciones a nivel GLOBAL principalmente “Click to chat [small, no ads]”, y por eso nos gustaría tenerlas en AppGallery, la nueva tienda de aplicaciones de Huawei, nosotros podemos aumentar las descargas y los usuarios activos. El proceso para tener sus aplicaciones en AppGallery es muy rápido, solo es necesario crear una cuenta en nuestra plataforma y cargar la aplicación.

    Si te interesa contactame a:

  4. Hi, is there a click to chat service for the Telegram App ?

    1. Telegram has links for usernames ( but for telephones you need to specifically have the number in your contacts.

  5. How to use Click to chat in a single divice but for both primary number as well as secondary number..
    I mean if till now I am using for 123....... This Number but from now onwards I wanted to use for 456....... This number then how can I use..??

  6. Please add Bitcoin Lightning donation. Will be happy to donate via Bitcoin! 😊


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