Add all to Watch later

Important: Google has remove the ability for external apps to add videos to the watch later playlist. This app is now obsolete and was unlisted from Play Store.

This Android app allows you to add one or more videos to your personal "Watch later" youtube playlist without opening the Youtube app.

You can review the privacy policy here: Privacy Policy
You can download the app here: Play Store [unlisted]
You can review the code on GitHub here: GitHub

Do you know the "Watch later" playlist of Youtube? It is (in my opinion) a useful feature to save videos you want to watch but you can't at the moment, by keeping them on a private playlist for easy finding. If you don't use it then this app isn't for you (or perhaps you will start using it thanks to this!).
Adding videos to that playlist while navigating on the android Youtube app is really easy, just click the three dots near a video, and click on 'add to watch later'. You can even do so in the video notifications! It is even easier on desktop, videos have the button directly onto them if you are logged in.
But, what if you are on Android and not using the Youtube app? What if you saw the video on a page while browsing the internet, a friend sent you a link, or it was on a news feed?
If you want to use the Youtube app way you need to click the link so that it is opened, mute and/or pause the video (because you don't want to see it at that moment), click on the 'add to' button, and finally the 'watch later' playlist. Then close Youtube and continue where you left.
If that's no problem for you, then forget about this app. However if you find this process time consuming, or perhaps you don't want to waste precious data usage while doing so (the video is opened and starts playing) then this app is for you! I hope...
With this app installed and configured you just need to send the link of the video, or the page containing that video, to this app (as if sharing it). The app will scan the given text and present all videos found for you to choose which ones to save, and then only those selected will automatically be added to your Youtube watch later playlist, without opening the Youtube app! Multiple videos are allowed, you can directly add all the videos on a webpage if you want.
For those who need a more concrete description of the app features: You need to send a text to this app (via the 'send to' feature from any app). Then:
  • If the shared text contains one or more youtube links, all of them will be listed.
  • If the shared text does not contains any youtube links, it will search for normal url links.
    • For each url found it will scan the html of that page (after redirects) and extract all youtube links found.
    • All videos found in all pages will be listed.
For example:
If someone sent you a link to a video, share that link and that video will be listed.
If you are browsing a page with videos and you want to save one or more of them, share the page and they all will be listed.
The list shows the thumbnail, the title and the beginning of the description of each video, you can choose which to save and which not, this app will never add any video that is not selected.


  1. When I try to share any yt link I get this error: "Status: Not added: The API does not support the ability to insert videos into the specified playlist." This just started happening recently and it happens with every link, even the one you provided for testing in the app details itself

    1. Unfortunately the official api removed the ability to add videos to a user watch later playlist. I kept the app just in case they reverted the change, but it seems it's gone forever. I unlisted the app.


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