
10 December 2023

New version of UrlCheck (V 2.13.1)

V 2.13.1
- New: Custom logic to hide rejected urls. Hide referrer is now disabled by default.
- Fix: Third try to the 'open/share does nothing' bug.
- Fix: Status module no longer decodes the location.


The important feature is the fix? for the bug on newer android versions where opening or sharing links does nothing.

I wanted to add the backup feature, I really did, but I couldn't find the time to implement this :( hopefully next version.

07 December 2023

New version of Click To Chat (V 4.4)

V 4.4
- New shortcut for uninstalling the addon
- Remove support for Android 4.4 or less

A second beta without version increase was published to add missing translations.

Basically the min sdk increase, but I also added a new button to open the android settings in the addon screen (with the uninstall button).

07 October 2023

New version of UrlCheck (V 2.13)

V 2.13
- New module: drawer. Hide modules under a toggleable.
- New module: changelog. Will notify if the app updates.
- Improvement: Limit number of log entries.
- Improvement: Missing 'hidden' status for Ctabs and private buttons.
- Improvement: Try to open more valid urls.

Took too long, I should try to avoid waiting when there are changes to publish, even if I have little time for them...

22 July 2023

New version of Click to chat (V 4.3)

V 4.3
- New Dutch translation. Many thanks to OnnoV!
- New button to delete app data
- Fix some phone links not opening on the app

A new translation, and a new reset button. I don't have much time to spend for new features...but at least the app is stable and powerful enough to keep working!

30 June 2023

New version of UrlCheck (V 2.12)

V 2.12
- New: open Firefox in incognito
- New: enhance share & copy buttons
- New: encode and decode pattern parameters
- Improvement: show referrer on the debug module
- Improvement: keep expanded groups on Uri parts
- Improvement: long tap uri parts to copy to clipboard
- Fix: null optional groups on Android <=10
- Fix: extract links from shared text
- Fix: legacy shortcuts should work now
- Fix: minor crash on Unshorten module

Mix of both interesting features (like the new incognito option for firefox) and other internal fixes (like the fix for legacy shortcuts, at last).

23 May 2023

Comments cleanup

Since I made this blog my position around comments has been that everything is allowed as long as it's not obvious spam (shady links and/or hate-language). Because I didn't feel like moderating what others may consider free speech.

You wanted to write your own name? Go for it. Your email/phone? I don't care. A random strings of characters? As long as it didn't have hidden links or words they were ok.


But no more.

I now realize that allowing all comments were damaging this blog, even if it's just new app updates of some random guy. As of now all new comments will be moderated, and all existing ones that weren't made by real humans were deleted (more than 80%). On doubt I deleted it, so if you think your comment was incorrectly deleted just send me a message.

I'll still keep new comments open for anonymous accounts, but I'll consider requiring login if moderation becomes an issue.

No more 'secret messages' or the same repeated words. If you want to paste random things go to 4chan or somewhere else.

20 May 2023

New version of URLCheck (V 2.11)

V 2.11
- New module: Edit Flags
- New module: Uri parts (substitute of Queries remover)
- New config: excludeRegex field on Pattern Checker module
- Change: modules are now hidden when unused
- Fix: opened apps weren't showing on recents
- Fix: standard shortcuts weren't available
- Fix: keyboard was obstructing the dialog
- Fix: status module wasn't working properly
- Translations: New and updates from symbuzzer and other from Weblate

A couple new modules, some user improvements, and the UI is now a bit cleaner.

A couple fixes too, main one for the status module.

And some translations updates, now using Weblate.

Note: the standard (legacy) shortcuts are still broken, they will hopefully be fixed soon.

29 April 2023

New version of Click to Chat (V 4.2.3)

V 4.2.3
- Updated Turkish translation. Many thanks to Hüseyin Filiz!

Nothing else to report to be honest, just an update of an existing translation (a big one all be said).

Edit: I totally forgot about this, the beta will be released as stable in the following hours.

06 April 2023

New version of Buy TrianguloY a coffee (V 1.1)

V 1.1
- Compiled for newer android versions
- Tweaked some minor text typos
- Use device default theme


Play Store won't allow devices with newer Android versions install apps made for slightly less recent Android versions, so I was forced to update this app.

It now also uses your device theme, and a few typos were fixed. Unfortunately no notable changes were made.

06 March 2023

New version of URLCheck (V 2.10)

V 2.10
- New tutorial screen
- New module: Unshortener
- New features and improvements to status module
- New shortcut & tile to open clipboard links
- New chinese translation. Many thanks to Seviche CC!
- Visual fixes

A new module, improvements to existing ones, and a few other additions (and a new locale!).

This version also includes a new tutorial screen that will be shown on first install (or when updating to this version). Hopefully it will help new users, there has been some requests saying that the app is hard to understand and configure. Any comment or suggestion is welcomed!

18 February 2023

New version of Click to Chat (V 4.2.2)

V 4.2.2
- Colored main buttons
- Tweaks for Android 13+
- Upgraded to latest Android

This was just an update to the Android tooling for maintenance, including a couple improvements for Android 13+ (originally tested on URLCheck)

And while porting code from that other app, I though about migrating the main button style too (a filled button instead of just text). I think it looks nice, even if a bit strange in the expanded mode with the other 4 extra buttons below. Pretty colorful!

Anyway, as suspected, this new version triggered some false flags at Google and I was forced to modify the new and 'improved' data safety panel. Now my app has 'personal info: phone number' under 'Data that may be shared with other companies or organisations'. Disclaimer, it does not.

I mean, the app asks for a sequence of numbers that it 'sends' to WhatsApp (that's the basic feature) and if you enter your own number then ok, my app shares your personal number with WhatsApp. But the app has no idea if a number is yours or not in any case, so it's the same as saying that the app collects your Social Security number because you can enter it if you want (it won't probably be a valid phone though). 🙄 Anyway, I could have objected the decision, but knowing Google it will be useless.

Funny thing, the donation version haven't triggered this flag yet. So, according to google, the donation version is safer! (note: they are exactly the same apart from the color...and your support of course)

15 January 2023

New version of URLCheck (V 2.9.1)

V 2.9.1
- New Italian translation. Thanks to dperruso!
- Fixed some uncommon errors when opening links

A quick update with a new translation to Italian.