
06 March 2023

New version of URLCheck (V 2.10)

V 2.10
- New tutorial screen
- New module: Unshortener
- New features and improvements to status module
- New shortcut & tile to open clipboard links
- New chinese translation. Many thanks to Seviche CC!
- Visual fixes

A new module, improvements to existing ones, and a few other additions (and a new locale!).

This version also includes a new tutorial screen that will be shown on first install (or when updating to this version). Hopefully it will help new users, there has been some requests saying that the app is hard to understand and configure. Any comment or suggestion is welcomed!


  1. What a brilliant app. I'm so glad I found this by accident in F-Droid!

  2. Just been to the Github Releases page. Wanted to download an apk to keep in my "Essential APKs" backup folder, but I see you're not putting latest releases there. I'm on an unrooted phone, so don't have access to the apk downloaded by F-Droid. Never mind, I know another way :-)


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