
18 February 2023

New version of Click to Chat (V 4.2.2)

V 4.2.2
- Colored main buttons
- Tweaks for Android 13+
- Upgraded to latest Android

This was just an update to the Android tooling for maintenance, including a couple improvements for Android 13+ (originally tested on URLCheck)

And while porting code from that other app, I though about migrating the main button style too (a filled button instead of just text). I think it looks nice, even if a bit strange in the expanded mode with the other 4 extra buttons below. Pretty colorful!

Anyway, as suspected, this new version triggered some false flags at Google and I was forced to modify the new and 'improved' data safety panel. Now my app has 'personal info: phone number' under 'Data that may be shared with other companies or organisations'. Disclaimer, it does not.

I mean, the app asks for a sequence of numbers that it 'sends' to WhatsApp (that's the basic feature) and if you enter your own number then ok, my app shares your personal number with WhatsApp. But the app has no idea if a number is yours or not in any case, so it's the same as saying that the app collects your Social Security number because you can enter it if you want (it won't probably be a valid phone though). 🙄 Anyway, I could have objected the decision, but knowing Google it will be useless.

Funny thing, the donation version haven't triggered this flag yet. So, according to google, the donation version is safer! (note: they are exactly the same apart from the color...and your support of course)


  1. Since the I can't use it bc most of the words in the app are in white!! How can I go to previous versión? PS I use it in HUAWEI P30

    1. Would it be possible to send me a few screenshots by email? (email at the bottom). Try also to change the theme in settings (dark<->white theme)


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