
13 February 2020

New version of click to chat (V 2.9)

V 2.9
- Enabled split package based on language. Now only languages selected in your device will be installed. This reduces the app size by a 15-20%. IMPORTANT! If you are missing a language please contact me.
- Updated Indonesian. Thank you to Steven Felix!

Edit: Absolutely no one mentioned the lack of languages! I guess this means nobody uses locales not in their device...or at least none of the beta users (thanks for being beta users!). I published a minor modification with some missing spanish translations, and will start the rollout release as stable.

I'm back! And hopefully I'll be able to push some updates to my apps.

This first one is something I have since 20 days ago, an update/fix to to the Indonesian translation.
But also it is the first update where I'm enabling the split packages based on language.

In a recent update I changed the publishing process from apk to app bundle, which splits the app by features so users only get what they need, for example if you have a small-screen device you don't get the extra-wide pictures designed for tablets.
This also splits the package by language by default, so you only get languages compatible with your device, but that broke the language selector on the app so I decided to disable it in the meantime. The language selector was added in one of the first updates because I didn't like having assets unused (if the data was there, why not let the user use it!) and also because it was easier for me to test languages. With this split packages the data is not there, so I knew I wanted to enable it, but first I needed to change the selector to detect the installed packages (which is not an easy task, because Android doesn't have any function to retrieve them). I finally did it, so now the picker only shows the installed packages, or isn't shown at all if only one is found.

This means that for the average user (only one language) the app size is reduced by 20% aprox (yes, even more! I'm back under 100K again!). But this also means that if anyone was using a language not in their device settings, they can't anymore. By probability I'm sure someone somewhere has this problem, but I need to know if they don't care, they can just use another language or maybe they didn't know you can change your device language.
I published the app as beta, so I'll rely on beta users to check how many complaints I receive. The stable version will take a while, until I'm sure people don't care, or until a lot of people care and I disable the splitting again.


  1. Not working integrated link number..
    When i click number from website... This app not open as option

    The option : Whatsapp/dialer/sms

    1. The app is registered for links in the "tel:123" format. Probably that link has a different format and must be enabled, could you send me the page where that link is? (my contact email is at the bottom)


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