
28 February 2020

New app Adnihilation (V 1.0)

A few years ago I had an idea about an app where you could 'destroy' ads. I made a few prototypes, but nothing worth sharing.
A few days ago I remembered that idea, and made a similar one.

In the original app the ads where real, and you could destroy them only by smashing a hammer from the side (because clicking the ad would open whatever was it designed to open). Nowadays I know that ads have some restrictions (specially google ads) and you can't make them partially visible, hide them under other elements, etc. Also that app required the Internet permission so...I just made fake ads! And instead of smashing with a hammer you directly touch them to damage (like crystal).

In the end this is just like a fun little experiment, but the source code is on Github so anyone can design more fake ads to add for example...if someone wants.

Download it on Play Store as usual, link above.

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