
03 November 2024

New version of URLCheck (V 3.0)

V 3.0
- New: Automation (vote winner)
- Change: Text input edit mode is now a popup
- Fix: Uri parser should no longer decode twice
- Improve: Updated main screen icons


Version 3.0...this is in fact a big update, even if the main feature it adds is still very basic.

Presenting: Automation!

This new feature will allow you to perform actions automatically based on predefined inputs. As a first version only basic triggers will be available (when an url matches a regex) and basic actions (basically pressing the ui buttons) but I plan to add more complex triggers and actions in the future (someday!).

With the basic current version you can now, for example, react to urls that match a given regex, and then open automatically the preferred app, or trigger a virus total analysis, or enable incognito, among a few others. Think of this like the regex setting in the status check module (which will be automatically migrated to an automation entry).

This feature was the vote winner, a vote that I setup on Github a couple weeks ago...and I didn't totally forgot to publish here on the blog until writing this...oops (sorry!)

Hopefully this will make some people very happy, even if the setup is a bit complex (requires json).

There are also a couple other improvements, but the only noticeable one is the new popup for the text module edit mode, as with the automation it was very difficult to either trigger everything while writing, after a couple seconds of pause, when losing focus, magically adding an 'apply' button... The popup allows to better edit the url on my opinion anyway (less crowded).

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