
23 February 2024

New version of Average Data Usage Widget (V 4.0)

V 4.0
- Updated to Android 10+
- New: Average and total data on the history screen
- Tweak: Remaining tweak promoted to full setting (Pending/Used)
- New: Option to calculate accumulated data by setting the desired visible amount
- Improv: Accumulated data can be negative
- Improv: Accumulated data can be set while accumulated period is 0 (as offset data)
- New: Tweak: open android settings when clicking the widget button

I almost forgot.

So yeah, this is an app that I made a long time ago, and that I had to stop developing because it required a permission that (I though) was no longer possible to obtain.

In order to get the data usage, originally you had to use a method that required the phone id. Getting that id required a phone permission, and that permission was not granted anymore for apps targeting Android 10 and up. The deprecation notice said to use an alternative, but I was never able to make it work. So I just kept the app at that working version, and never updated it.

Fast-forward a couple years, and I discovered that you could use the alternative, but only if you allowed ONLY android 10 and up, which meant that, by updating the app, existing phones could no longer use it (original: 7-9, new 10+). So I just kept avoiding updates.

Fast-forward a couple more years, I have now a new Android 12 phone, and Android 8 is now considered 'old'. So I implemented the change (which allowed me to remove the phone permission), and a couple others I always wanted to make (this is an app mainly for myself after all). Play Store is no longer displaying apps targeting versions older than 10, so this was perfectly the best moment to do so.


Hope it's help useful for someone, it was for me.

1 comment:

  1. اقتراح تعديل الويدجت
    لماذا لايكون الشريط العلوي للبيانات اليوميه فقط ،والشريط السفلي للبيانات الشهريه
    اتمنى ارى ذلك في التحديث القادم


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