
07 September 2021

New version of Url Checker (V 1.1)

V 1.1
- New module 'Clear Url': Uses the Clear Url dictionary to clear urls from referral and other useless url parameters.
- New module 'History': Revert changes from any module.
- Replaced module 'Redirect' with 'Status': Fetch the status code of the page, still allows for redirection.
- Improved 'Pattern' module: Press 'Fix' to convert http to https
- New module 'Debug': For developers (display the intent uri and ctabs messages)
- UI cleanup.

Bigger update than expected, and I wanted to add even more things, but for now I think this is enough.

There are a bunch of new modules, and small updates to existing ones. The changelog already gives enough info, but for those who want a detailed description:

- A new module based on Clear Url rules that detects referral and useless parameters from the url to 'clear' it. I wanted to make it so that you could update it from the internet, but that will need to be for a future version. As of now the app contains and uses a copy of the rules from 25 dec 2020 (latest ones as of now).

- A new module to view and revert any change from other modules, or edits from the user (typical undo/redo feature, and also a list). This was needed because now there are a bunch of modules that edit the url, so it makes sense to be able to revert changes from any of them.

- Replaced redirect module with status module. This is basically an upgrade, but the features change drastically. Previously, pressing the button fetched the url to retrieve the status code, and if it was a redirection applied it automatically. Now, after pressing the button, displays the status code to the user, so you can see if the server is unresponsive for example, and if it was a redirection it now shows a button to apply it. This module also lost the ability to revert the redirection change (because that's what the history module is now for).

- When the pattern module detects an http link, it now shows a button to automatically convert it to https, for convenience. On non-ascii chars it also shows them.

- And last, a debug module that displays the intent uri, and optionally info about the ctabs (custom tabs) service. This is intended for developers, and in fact it is what I actively used when developing the custom tabs feature, but available for anyone now (disabled by default).

Hope you find them as useful as I do.

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