
30 August 2020

New version of Custom Riddle Generator (V 2.1)

V 2.1
- Removed controversial Mulan reference in the demo (note: this will only be applied to new installs or when the app folder is deleted)

Since I published the demo from the Custom Riddle Generator tool, I've received bad reviews due to a misunderstood Mulan reference. 

The old sentence in the 'wrong number' page was "You put a wrong number! Dishonor! Dishonor on your whole family! Dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow!" and some people found it selfish and didn't like it. I sincerely apologize, it was just a simple reference to a maybe-not-so-famous Mulan quote. I replace it with the "If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again". New installs that load the demo will have this new version, but old installs will keep the old sentence due to the demo being loaded at install only. If you had the app installed and you want to get the new sentence, simply delete the app folder (/sdcard/CustomRiddle) and start the app again, which will force the loading of the new demo version.

I also used this change to upload the project to GitHub:

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