
11 April 2020

New version of Click to chat (V 2.10)

V 2.10
- Improved prefix and number input with keyboard
- Setting for alternate opening (instead of long tapping)
- Fix prefix when opening from call intent
- Latest Indonesia changes

Hmm, this update is special. But not for the alternate setting (which you could use by long tapping the open button, now it is just an option), not for the fix when opening call intents, and also not for the Indonesia update. No, there is a secret change disabled by default, but to find more info about it you need to read the text below the break.

Edit: new beta with improved keyboard input for the prefix and number inputs. Now if the number doesn't fit it is displayed on multiple lines (instead of hidden) and also now the keyboard should display as the standard phone keypad, with working next/open action button.

UPDATE: As of 2020/06/24 this alternate way doesn't work anymore (or at least it doesn't seem to work with non-openened numbers, previously opened ones seems fine) You can still try it in case they enabled it again, but keep in mind it probably won't work.

So, this version contains an option (disabled by default) that when enabled allows you to open numbers in a non-standard way.
WhatsApp provides this urls (and variants) to open numbers, that's what my app uses, so by using it you are basically opening urls, and so there is no risk unless you start spamming people. This has the disadvantage that you can only open 'real' apps, so the dual apps in Samsung or duplicated apps usually doesn't work (they are virtual copies).

Here is the thing: there is a way to open numbers in WhatsApp by using a different intent, an internal one. With this intent dual apps may be compatible but this entry point is non standard, so it may stop working in the future. The big issue however is that this entry point skips the available number check, so even if you enter an incorrect number the chat screen will open. By talking to 'invalid' numbers your account may be at risk, so if you want to test this PLEASE make sure the number you entered is correct and valid. This also requires specifying a non-spaces text, so by default a dot '.' is written (in the chat textbox, won't be sent unless you press the send button).

For this reason the procedure to enable the setting is long and complex. By performing the following steps you accept that I can't be held responsible for damages that may happen by using the app (a "No responsibility" disclaimer, even though technically there is one already by using the app normally). The setting can be disabled again if you want to try but prefer to revert to be safe.

Steps to enable/disable the dual compatibility option:
- Open the app
- Press the bottom right button (down arrow) to extend the screen and show the message textbox
- Enter _dual_ (only those 6 letters) in the message box
- Press the bottom right button (up arrow) to reduce the screen and hide the message textbox
- Enter any number in the number textbox (a 1 is enough, simply to enable the open button)
- Long press the open button
If you did them correctly a disclaimer popup will be shown to enable it. By performing the same steps again the setting will be disabled instead.

Once the setting is enabled, long pressing the open button will open the dual intent (remember to remove the "_dual_" text before trying first). You can still single click it as usual.
The best way to avoid any problems is to first click the open button to open normally. If a chat opens (so you are sure that number exists) then go back and long tap to open in the dual app. If it says that the number doesn't exist, then don't long tap. If you follow this procedure it should be fine, and theoretically you should not have any problem, the problem arises when you long tap with numbers that doesn't exist, because a chat screen will be shown regardless without any message warning about being invalid (and I don't want to know what will happen if you write to an nonexistent number). Also remember that a dot is prewritten in the textbox, because this alternate intent requires a non-spaces text.

Use with care.


  1. Can you make it work on dual whatsapp. It opens my first whatsapp only, but I need it for my dual app. At least give a pop up I which whatsapp I want to send a message.

    1. By following the steps on this post it should work with Samsung's dual messenger, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to work with Parallel spaces or other duplication apps.
      Duplicated apps are managed entirely by the host app (Parallel, Samsung, ...) and no other app can access them (unless they provide a workaround, like with Samsung).

  2. I tested it, but it didn't work... it just enables and disables the option but doesn't open in dual WhatsApp..

    Hope you develop the app to function with dual WhatsApp..

    1. I noticed you replied, but then deleted the comment and made a new one.
      If you want to contact me privately my email is at the bottom (the 'contact me here' link).
      About the testing, note that once enabled you need to remove the _dual_ text so that the long click works properly (I have updated the post to clarify this).


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