
06 June 2019

New version of Click to chat (V 2.7)

The update you all were waiting for...a few years ago! (With a Russian update)

Serious now. This update adds a fully new country code list dialog. Previously it was just a list, and I received some suggestions to add an option to filter it. This is no easy task, nor very difficult, but I never found the right moment to implement it...until now. I present to you (for those reading this...there must be someone...I hope) a filterable country code list! With also the ability to sort by country or code, and A-Z or Z-A! No country flag icon, sorry, that will double the size of the app, and that is a no-no.

Aaanyway, it was fun, and I have some other fun and useful ideas to implement, know, maybe they will be next week ... or next year. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Current status: Stable

V 2.7
- New prefix selector dialog (with filtering and sorting!)
- Updated Russian translation
- Tweaked clipboard detection


  1. Not working .. when i entred aphone number amessage appears that i couldn't open whats app ..please fix that ..latest version 2.6.2 work

    1. The latest WhatsApp beta version has the click to chat feature disabled (the one this app uses). Probably they will release an update soon to fix that.
      In the meantime I'm trying to release a workaround.


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