
14 May 2019

New version of Lucky 10% (V 1)

Double surprise!

Play Store:

This is just a fun little experiment that suddenly came to me, and couldn't resist making it.
You can find all the information in the app description, basically Play Store has the ability to publish 'staged rollout updates' to a specific percent of the Play Store accounts in the world (theoretically), so you can have two different apps published at the same time, and each user will get one based on internal Play Store parameters.
This experiment is basically that situation: there are two different apks published, one 'lucky' and another 'unlucky', and the lucky one is set to be available to only 10% of the total users.

The apps only contains the logo and message, nothing more, so there is no point in downloading it other than checking if you are lucky (perhaps you are and your friends aren't?). Still the apps are extremely small (I think it is a personal record) so there is also no point in not-trying.

Nonetheless it was fun to make :D

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