
15 November 2018

New stable&beta version of Open in WhatsApp (V 2.0 & 2.0.1)

Those who tested the beta version, thank you. However no errors were reported on that version, and I know for a fact that some errors are always reported (not related to the app). At least I know that no important crashes are present (those are quickly reported, even with <100 testers). Unfortunately I don't want to wait weeks until more beta testers try the version, so I published it as stable using the rollout feature (yes, that one I don't like) because it allows me to check for errors with a reduced number of users, and that is an incredible feature that can be useful on situations like this one. Currently 20% of you have the update to the new version, and I'll increase the percentage progressively in the following days while nothing crashes. Hopefully in a week it should be already at 100%.

I also started preparing a new version, and I published it as beta (this way it will be on beta longer). The version has only cosmetic changes, but I want to have one ready if I need to quickly make a fix. This beta will take a while to be stable, also probably with translation updates.

Change logs below:

V 2.0.1
- Added Somalia prefix (+252)
- Removed padding on big screens
- Fixed buttons on dialogs
- Fixed scrolling of about screen (hopefully)

V 2.0
- Added compatibility with the new Addon (see details inside app)
- More info in 'about'
- Minor internal changes

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