
29 October 2018

New stable version of Add all to Watch Later (V 1.5)

Another update! But this time it is a minor one, sort of. (also the first post on this blog about this app!)

I always wanted to post this app on GitHub, but due to the inclusion of ads I was reticent to do so (you need to provide a personal identifier, others could have published it without ads [no, I don't believe this either, but still] or I don't know. So, I removed the ads and the app is now available on GitHub for anyone to review! Feel free to suggest changes with pull requests, I know someday they will come, hopefully.
The other changes are just some tweaks, updated urls to this blog and small bug fixes I found. Nothing big, more like an 'application revision'. 

As with the previous post, I didn't notify about the beta version due to no beta testers registered :( but there were a beta, and no bugs were found by Play Store so here it is as stable.

What will be next? I don't know, but from now, here is the changelog: 

V 1.5
- Updated link to blog page & privacy policy.
- Better messages from blacklist videos.
- Removed Ads, app size reduced.
- [Now the app code is available on Github! Check the description for the link]

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