
02 October 2018

New beta version of Open in WhatsApp (V 1.14.2 beta1)

Another beta? Again? Yes!
I received a translation for Portuguese-Brazil from Richard Anderson (Hirai RCD) [Thank you! and remember anyone can send me translations, check the FAQ]. Previous Portuguese locale is now set as Portuguese-Portugal. I also discovered that I had mistakenly set the Play Store translation to Portuguese-Brazil instead of Portuguese-Portugal, so Brazilian people got an incorrect translation and Portuguese people didn't got any. I'm very sorry about that, and now it should be fixed so both languages should be displayed correctly.

Nothing more, really, just a small tweak to detect this new locale-variant cases and a fix for a crash if the faq can't be opened (is people using devices without a browser? is that possible??). Anyway, this update will probably be in beta for a few days more than usual for personal reasons, let's see if this will allow more beta users to try it. The 'rollout' test wasn't very effective, I guess it is not useful for small apps like this one. I won't use it again unless I find it more useful for another different purpose.

The current changelog is:

V 1.14.2
- Added Portuguese-Brazil translation. Many thanks to Richard Anderson (Hirai RCD)!
- Message instead of crash if FAQ can't be opened

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