
30 July 2022

New version of Url checker (V 2.5)

V 2.5
- Advanced JSON editor for ClearURLs and Patterns
- The ClearURLs database can now be updated
- Added Spanish translation
- Styles and texts improvements


Due to a pull reuqest by PabloOQ that allowed the ClearURLs module to be updated (something I wanted since the beginning) I couldn't resist to allow editing the catalog yourself with a new (but still in beta) json editor! I added it to the patterns module too, and I would like to add it to other modules as well.

I also added the spanish translation (by myself) and a few improvements to styles, specially for white themes.

16 July 2022

New version of Click to chat (V 4.1.3)

V 4.1.3
- New French update. Many thanks to Nathanaƫl Gagnepain!
- Translation updates
- Fixed some very rare crashes

Update! A new french translation is now available, many thanks to Nathanaƫl Gagnepain!

The Indonesian translator translated almost all the missing strings, and it was the perfect opportunity for a quick update.

I also fixed some of the top reported crashes (except the ones from the device vendors where I have no control). They are extremely rare crashes (affecting less than 50 users, and the app is used by 1.4 million) but they were easy so why not. For such a daily use the number of crashes is extremely low...I wonder if there is a record to beat or a contest to apply to...

06 July 2022

New version of Url Checker (V 2.4)

V 2.4
- Added French translation. Thanks to Ilithy!
- Added Ukranian translation. Thanks to Idris!
- Automatic dark/white theme


This app is getting all the attention! I should update Click to chat...

Anyway this update is a partial update, contains two translations provided by users! And some theme changes.

Next version should contain even more changes, stay tuned!