
14 May 2022

New version of Url Checker (V 2.2)

V 2.2
- New module 'Remove queries module': removes all queries from the url. Thanks to PabloOQ for the idea and original implementation!


PabloOQ provided a pull request with a new module "Remove queries" that removes all the queries of the url ("" --> ""). It was reviewed, merged, (simplified) and it's now available for all!

Remember that anyone can help and implement other modules or fixes!

07 May 2022

New version of Click to chat (V 4.1.2)

V 4.1.2
- Translation updates

This is just a very small update to fix and tweak translation texts. Nothing else.

Will I add something before publishing to stable? Probably not (but if for some reason I do, it wouldn't be the first time)