
26 August 2021

App of the day: Click to Chat developer interview

Recently I was contacted by the editor of  "App of the day", a section of the online blog "DownloadAstro". I usually ignore any form of sponsor pages, that's the reason my apps are not advertised almost anywhere (not by myself at least) although I don't mind reviews and other aggregation sites, as long as they link back.

This site is also like an aggregator, a place where apps are recommended, but in this case each app comes with a short interview from the developer. I found it very interesting, and accepted it. They only ask for a link in return, nothing else, which I find perfectly acceptable, and so here it is (and this is probably one of the very few external links I'll ever publish here). There you will find the interview with my replies.

Check the page with the interview in App Of The Day

09 August 2021

New version of Click to chat (V 3.3)

V 3.3
- New Malayalam translation. Many thanks to Thenur Mahesh Kannan!
- Share link includes 'https://'
- Remove leading zeros in merge mode too

This is an update for a new translation to Malayalam, but I also included two minor reported improvements.

The stable version will probably take longer to be available.