
08 January 2020

New version of click to chat (V 2.8.6)

V 2.8.6
- Added Indonesian translation. Thank you to artmann (Dwi Legowo)!

Another minor translation update. Sorry.

The size of the app is increasing, due to the translations. I think now it is time to enable the split packages based on locales (or rather to not-disable it). This means that only the locales available in your device (and english) will be installed.
For the 99% of users this will reduce the size of the app by 5 or even more, at the cost of not being able to change to other locales (only those installed).
For a 1% of users using a locale that is not set in their devices, this will mean they won't be able to use that locale.

If you are one of those 1% of users, please contact me or write a message so I'm aware of how many of you are really out there, otherwise maybe I'm wrong and no user will miss this feature*. (this is a disadvantage of not having internet permission, not being able to 'check' how many users use this, but I prefer this to adding that google-thinks-it-isn't-harmful-because-of-course-they-use-it-for-ads permission)

*I added the ability to change locales because in old versions there were no way to install only specific locales, all were installed, so if the data was there, why not let the user use it (also it was useful to me to test them). Now there is a way to install only specific locales, and although at first I disabled it for this reason, I think now it is time to enable it and reduce the apk size even more!
You can make it to download those missing locales on the fly, but of course this needs the internet permission. No way.

04 January 2020

New version of Add all to Watch Later (V 1.6)

V 1.6
- Ability to click on thumbnails to play in preview mode
- Share selected videos
- More detailed loading message

It seems I'm the only one actively using this app, but I do use it a lot (best complement of a RSS feed list), so I'll continue adding features useful for me, like the preview.