
25 December 2018

New version of Click to chat (V 2.1)

Quick update:

V 2.1
- More reliable way to find compatible apps (long click uses the old way)

02 December 2018

New stable version of Click to Chat (V 2.0.3)

This is a really small update, just the new texts from the Russian translation. However they were 'send' to me by a pull request from Github and I must say that this way is much easier than by email. Still, I also accept files by email, I know Github (git in general) is not very user friendly for beginners.

Also, I received a translation for the Kannada Play Store texts, thanks to Aditya. Now when visiting the Play Store in this language the texts will be translated. Unfortunately the texts of the app are not translated to this language yet.

This is all from now. I hope a new version comes soon.